Dr. Sachin Kale, MD. (Pathology)
Kale Path Lab.

Online Cases

Useful Links                      My Net Guru

Photo Blog                Featuring Path cases

News Letter
The Monthly Microscope

Online Talks

Some Presentations:

Internt Tour Bus for Doctors!  (7.74 MB zip file,  download, unzip, find the presentation inet final.pps; click on it to view the show)

Medical errors: What is the current thinking? (An 8.5 MB ppt file.)


Travel: Goa Galleries

A closet Mathematics fan

Swimming: Adeventures of Aquatic Ape!

Here are some persons who make everything worthwhile. Call it my emotional connective tissue! Online medical community also gives me lots of inspiration.

Son Saurav and wife Dr. Asmita

On vacation with Saurav in Mahabaleshwar

My parents and Saurav

At work

Salim Ali Lake, Aurangabad.

One evening in Aurangabad. 

My Lab and Residence